While there will be problems with any business, in the bistro industry a qoute can be a disaster if you allow it to be. Rather than concerning a difficult situation as a problem, turn it colse to so it works to your advantage. Look for solutions to coarse bistro company problems that can turn them into opportunities.
One coarse opening in the food aid company is down time. After lunch and before dinner, or between breakfast and lunch you will probably have at least an hour when nobody comes through the door. Not only is this bad for your lowest line but inherent diners passing by may think your bistro is empty because it's a poor one. Therefore, you need to fill those tables as much as inherent by enticing population to visit your bistro between prime hours. You could offer a happy hour with free appetizers or a free buffet of chips and dips. A mid-morning brunch extra will attract shoppers and passers-by and once the company society gets wind of it your bistro will be the exquisite place for an early meeting. You can also have a extra menu for those slow hours, perhaps half portions with corresponding prices or items that are unavailable any other time of day.
The weather is an additional one factor that can keep customers from dining out. Your job is to entice them out of their houses, into the heat or cold or rain and through your doors! This is a fun opening to be creative and get your staff involved. Pick a name for your promotion and perhaps make it a contest with a small incentive if the employee's idea is chosen. Many restaurants in Phoenix, Arizona have promotions during the summer, when temperatures can reach 120 degrees and no one surely wants to leave their air-conditioned homes or offices. They offer a ration off for every degree over a unavoidable temperature, extra menus with discount prices or diminutive time exotic drinks. You might offer free iced tea during the hottest days of summer, a complimentary scoop of ice cream after a meal or supply free valet parking or other services to minimize exposure to the heat. In the winter you can greet your guests with free hot chocolate or hot apple cider.
Another headache for restaurants is their seating arrangements. Taking advantage of every inch of floor space means that some tables are in less desirable spots, such as near the kitchen, the entrance or a bathroom. You can make these tables the most popular by offering free appetizers, desserts or other perks to population sitting there. Restaurants that turn this qoute into such opportunities for their customers regularly have those "undesirable" tables filled before any of the others!
Another qoute that presents itself often is selling out of a popular menu item before the day is over. If customers find that a variety of menu items are not ready they may plainly walk out and not come back. Turn this into an opening by apologizing to the diner and offer them a voucher that entitles them to get the item for no fee next time they visit. Tell them about other items on the menu that they might enjoy instead. They may find a new favorite!
Before starting your bistro business, give some plan to the kinds of problems that may arise in the day-to-day supervision of your establishment. Flourishing bistro entrepreneurs find ways to turn these problems into profitable opportunities!
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